Icon Button

This module add icon to boring buttons, You can enable this module via “WordPress Dashboard -> Plover Kit -> Modules -> Icon Button

Add Icon to Button

Icon Position

You can adjust the position of the icon in the button with this option.

Icon Size

You can adjust the size of the icon with this option. You can switch the size units by clicking on it. 6 units are currently supported.

  • px (Pixels)
  • % (Percentages)
  • em (Relative to the font size of the parent element )
  • rem (Relative to the font size of the root element )
  • vw (Relative to the viewport’s width)
  • vh (Relative to the viewport’s height)

Clear Icon

Simply click the Clear Icon button to remove the current button icon.

More Icons

You can download and manage your icons through the Icon Library module of the Plover Kit plugin, and you can also upload your own SVG icons.

The Icons you add via the Icon Library will automatically be visible in the Icon Button’s Icon Picker.

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